About: lishitong
Recent Posts by lishitong
La hausse des taux d'intérêt éclipse les chiffres de l'emploi non agricole ADP aux États-Unis

On Wednesday afternoon (GMT+3), the US ADP Nonfarm Employment Change figures were announced, revealing that employment in the US rose by 247,000, lower than the forecasted increase of 395,000 and the previous month’s increase of 479,000. Markets were largely unmoved by the ADP Employment figures as participants awaited the Fed’s interest rate decision. For theLire la suite
Written on mai 5, 2022 at 7:02 am
Categories: Perspectives hebdomadaires
La Russie coupe le gaz à la Pologne et à la Bulgarie

Gazprom, the Russian state-controlled energy giant, has announced that it has cut off supplies of natural gas to Poland and Bulgaria. The move is the first of its kind to result from the Kremlin’s insistence that “unfriendly countries” pay for Russian energy in rubles. Russia’s currency plunged into freefall at the onset of the Russia-UkraineLire la suite
Written on mai 2, 2022 at 1:22 am
Categories: Perspectives hebdomadaires
Daily Market Analysis 28 April 2022
Written on avril 28, 2022 at 10:24 am
Categories: Pu Daily Market Analysis, Pu Meet Our Analysts
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