Terms and Conditions
1.Subject to, and without prejudice to, all other Terms and Conditions, the offer is available to PU Prime’s Clients who have satisfied the Eligibility Criteria for the offer (“Eligible Clients”) as set out in the sections following hereinafter.
2.The “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” may be offered by PU Prime from time to time to clients who open real trading accounts (meaning not demo) with PU Prime, in cases where such clients are referred to PU Prime via specific websites and/or social network sites in the context of certain specific promotions, and/or surveys that PU Prime may be running from time to time on such specific websites and/or social network sites.
3.PU Prime, at its absolute discretion, offers the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” to any Client(s) from any countries/regions, as it deems appropriate and for as long as PU Prime deems to provide it.
4.Only persons who can form legally binding contracts under the laws applicable in their country of residence may participate in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024”. Without limiting the foregoing, participation in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” is not allowed for persons under the age of 18 or otherwise under legal age in their country of residence (“Minors”). If you are a minor, you cannot participate in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024”.
5.Participation of “Intermediaries/Related Parties” in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” is prohibited. If the registration and/or trading data of a participant in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” corresponds with the registration and/or trading information, including but not limited to IP address, of another participant in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024”, PU Prime reserves the right to regard this matching as a reason for immediate disqualification. For the purposes hereof, the term “Intermediary (ies)/Related Party (ies)”, when used in these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean to include any person or entity bearing a relationship with any participant in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024”, including, without limitation:
6.Similarly, persons associated in any manner whatsoever with PU Prime and/or with the specific websites and/or social network sites on which PU Prime may be running from time to time certain specific promotions, contests and/or surveys, in the context of which access to the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” is offered, are not allowed to participate in the offer.
1.The “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” promotion consists of various in-app activities to engage PU Prime App users. The reward(s) such as cash, Trade Loss Voucher(s), credit bonus voucher(s) will be awarded to clients who have participated in the in-app activities and met the specific criteria.
2.Promotion period: 7 June 2024 (GMT +3) - 28 July 2024 (GMT +3)
Event period: 14 June 2024 (GMT +3) - 14 July 2024 (GMT +3)
3.All countries open for registration, except for Vietnam, India, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and/or other prohibited jurisdictions as per the discretion of the Company.
4.Eligible clients: existing and new Clients of PU Prime APP.
5.Eligible account types: Standard Account, Islamic Standard Account
*If there are multiple trading accounts under the same client’s name, only one eligible trading account can participate in this promotion.
*Other account types (including demo account) can participate in limited in-app activities, but are not eligible to redeem and utilise the rewards.
6.The “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” promotion consists of various in-app activities to engage PU Prime App users. This promotion applies to both demo and live accounts, however only live account users will be eligible to redeem and utilise the rewards. The reward(s) such as cash, Trade Loss Voucher(s), credit bonus voucher(s) will be awarded to clients who have participated in the in-app activities and met the specific criteria.
7.To use the voucher(s) through this UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024, the client must deposit at least $100 USD (cumulative) and trade a minimum of 2 standard lots of currencies, metals, crude oil spot, crude oil futures products, BTCUSD during the promotion period.
*Only deposits and trading volumes of eligible accounts are considered valid.
*Orders must be open for more than 5 minutes. Locked and hedged positions do not count as valid trades for this promotion.
1.Ace Your Guess - Guess the Winning Team for each match
2.Right on the Money - Correct Prediction
3.Click & Crown - Vote the Grand Champion
4.Share, Tag & Triumph - share, tag, win
5.Champion's Circle Top 10 - leaderboard
6.The first match to guess will begin on 14 June 2024 (GMT +3) and the last match to guess will be on 14 July 2024 (GMT +3).
7.All vouchers (except for vouchers from Exclusive Sports Season Offer) will be automatically redeemed. Redeemed vouchers can be found in the Coupon Management In-App page. Any unused vouchers will become unavailable upon expiration on 27 Aug 2024 (GMT +3).
8.To view the credit bonus voucher(s), Trade Loss Voucher(s) collected during the UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024, clients can go to the “Achievement” tab, which can be accessed directly via the promotion page.
1.During 1 July 2024 - 31 August 2024 (system time), clients can receive additional rewards by making deposits:
2.Only a new deposit made during the specified period will be considered valid. A new deposit does not include funds transferred between accounts under the same name (internal transfer), refer-a-friend bonuses, and cash adjustments.
*The deposits applicable to both apps and web-based deposits.
*PU Prime reserves the right to disqualify clients who make multiple deposits and withdrawals of the same funds to meet the Gross Deposit criteria for receiving the Trade Loss Voucher.
3.Eligible clients will receive the Trade Loss Vouchers before the 10th of the next month.
*Trade Loss Vouchers from Exclusive Sports Season Offer are valid for 30 days.
2.Credit Bonus:
3.Trade Loss Voucher:
1.The match schedules for the UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024 displayed within PU Prime App are subject to changes by the organiser, without any prior notice.
2.PU Prime is not associated in any way with the EURO 2024 organisers, sponsors, associations, or representing any of the teams for EURO 2024.
3.All rewards issued through this “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” promotion are decided by PU Prime at its sole discretion.
4.In the event of duplicate submissions, submission of inaccurate or falsified information, suspected misconduct, fraud, abuse, or violation of the Terms and Conditions, PU Prime may cancel, modify, or reverse any rewards or promotional incentives, and withdraw the eligibility of any participant at its absolute discretion. Furthermore, PU Prime reserves the right to disqualify, decline or reject any subscription to the promotion or participant, at any stage of the promotion, without prior notice or liability to any individual.
5.Participation in the promotion is exclusively open to clients.
6.This promotion is open to both new and existing PU Prime App clients. By participating in this promotion, clients acknowledge that they have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and PU Prime’s General Terms and Conditions.
7.By opening a new account and/or participating in this promotion, the client acknowledges they have read and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and PU Prime’s Client Agreement.
8.Only a new deposit during the promotion can apply for the credit bonus. A new deposit does not include the funds transfer between the accounts under the same name (internal transfer) and the fund transfer from the commission account, refer friends bonus, funds to make up the exchange difference, or cash adjustments.
9.Internal transfers are not allowed for the trading account that has redeemed the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024”.
10.The “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” applies to all clients who open a real (meaning not demo) account with PU Prime in accordance with the rules set herein and the granted bonuses may be used for trading purposes only.
11.Credit bonuses cannot be (i) transferred to any other person; (ii) transferred to another account held by the Eligible Clients; or (iii) exchanged for other financial services or benefits provided by PU Prime.
12.PU Prime reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to decline registration of any participant in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024”; and disqualify any participant in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” who tampers or breaches these terms and/or any of the “PU Prime Terms and Conditions” set forth on PU Prime’s website.
13.PU Prime reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion, to discontinue the offering of this “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” to any of its clients, without having to explain the reasons. Such clients will be informed via email.
14.PU Prime reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” or any aspect of it at any time without having to compensate anyone for that. Prior notice of such changes will be given to clients. Please note that taking part in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” constitutes acceptance and agreement to abide by any such alterations, amendments and/or changes.
15.Any indication or suspicion, in the PU Prime’s sole discretion, of any form of arbitrage (including but not limited to risk free profiting), abuse (including but not limited to participant’s trading activity patterns that indicate that the participant solely aims to benefit financially from the Credit Bonus without being genuinely interested in trading in the markets and/or taking market risk), fraud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage connected to a credit bonus or any other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity, will nullify all previous credit bonuses of the Eligible Client’s real trading accounts with PU Prime and/or any and all transactions carried and/or profits or losses garnered therein. In these circumstances, PU Prime reserves the right, at its sole discretion to close/suspend (either temporarily or permanently) all such Eligible Client’s real trading account(s) with PU Prime, cancel all orders and annul all profits of such participants. In these circumstances, PU Prime shall not be liable for any consequences of the credit bonus cancellation, including, but not limited to, order(s) closure by Stop Out.
16.If a trading account becomes Dormant all previously awarded trading bonus (es) will be immediately withdrawn from the respective Eligible Client real account with PU Prime.
17.Taking part in the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” constitutes acceptance of these Terms & Conditions and of the PU Prime Terms and Conditions set forth on PU Prime’s website.
18.The “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” is available for a limited period only, as indicated in the rules of engagement of the specific promotion, and/or survey of which the “UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024” is mentioned to be a part of.
19.In the event of any suspicion of lock-up or hedging positions, PU Prime reserves the right to refuse the issuance of rewards, or reclaim the distributed rewards.
20.In the event that these terms and conditions of the "UNITE AS ONE - EURO 2024" are translated into a language other than English, the English version shall take precedence in case of any conflicting interpretations.
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